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What We Do

Articulation Therapy and Assessment:

Children with difficulty producing speech sounds come to speech for therapy.  This includes the most common school age problem, the lisp.


Language Therapy and Assessment:

Speech Language Pathologists assess and treat children who have delayed

vocabulary and syntax/grammar or other language disorders.


Auditory Processing and Comprehension Deficits:

Children who have difficulty understanding spoken language come to speech therapy.  Children with auditory processing deficits have difficulty distinguishing and discriminating speech sounds. Children with comprehension issues have difficulty with word meaning, sequencing skills and problem solving.


Pragmatic Language Disorders:

There are children who have difficulty using language properly in social contexts.  These children come to therapy and learn how to greet others, introduce conversation, make eye contact, use proper body language and other important social skills.


Oral-Motor Disorders:

Weak tongue and/or lip muscles can decrease the clarity of speech. Speech Therapists often employ oral activities such as blowing bubbles and whistles, using straws and chewing gum to strengthen these muscles. Children may also  demonstrate difficulties coordinating the movement of structures in the mouth during speech. These difficulties are called apraxia and are treated through structured practice of speech movements.


Fluency Disorders:

Dysfluency is characterized as repetition or prolongation of sounds, words or phrases during speech. Speech Language Pathologists often assist children with fluency difficulties to learn strategies to overcome these difficulties.


Alpha & Omega Speech Therapy Consultants, PLLC provides services for children who have communication disorders.  We have been in the Rutherford, Polk and Cleveland area for six years.  Our purpose is to focus on identifying and correcting speech  delays /disorders in pre-school and school age children.  We work within the  framework of NC DMA Health Choice for Children, Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT), North Carolina Health Check and Children's Developmental Service Agencies .


Speech-language evaluations are scheduled by appointment.


Specific goals are established at the onset of therapy.   The speech-language pathologist, parents and teachers work together to reach these goals. Parent involvement is highly encouraged.


Effective April 15, 2020, our office began servicing our clients via this new technology that was born out of the pandemic Covid-19.  

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